2009/11/15 15:55
Google Go language and the GG builder
Just a quick&dirty builder for go language projects, using the marvelous yaml language. It's named "GG", and it's full of magics. And it let me build my go projects easily, so perhaps it will help you too. It's just a proof of concept, because I don't like make and makefiles, perhaps because all my editors use spaces instead of tabs ;-). I'm pretty sure that GG is not as powerful as make ;-), and it miss some flags in the GG command line (but perhaps in the future ?!). Patches are welcome ;-) 3 modes : Run one file
Will simply compile, build (executable named Run shebang project"shebang project", because you can declare your construction in the first line of your script ... using the yaml one line syntax : if your script
and you run :
Will create the "module.a", using f Of course, you can build many executables (or none) or many packages or none. But GG will run the executable only if there is only one ! Run makefile projectIf you dont like the bang project, or don't wan't to repeat your construction. You can create a simple yaml file, "makefile.gg" like that :
and run GG like that: